It's not game over, it's a DO OVER

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Introducing a special Interview series.

We are having a collective human experience. 

We are witnessing people and systems and things at their best, but also not at their best.

It's incumbent on us to be aware not only of what's going on but to start thinking about what things will look like afterward.

So I’m introducing Wise Up! With Cristina. What did we learn? What should we learn? How has this changed us? How does this transform us? What can we take from this that's positive? 

This is not game over. It's a do-over. We have an opportunity and a responsibility and a duty to start thinking about how we can make things better because the way things were WEREN’T WORKING. To start doing things and changing things and doing the work to figure out how to adapt and build something better.

There’s no “new normal”, there’s only “new better”.

Our entire view of ourselves and the world is going to be different. For better or worse, people will be different because of this experience.

But one thing I know for sure is … we can’t unsee what we’ve seen about the world and ourselves.

People are shifting. 

They're starting to understand what's really, truly important.

So we need to start talking about how people have changed now. We cannot wait until all of this is over to then lift up our heads and say oh what do we do now?

So how can we do this? How can we start talking about this now, and looking forward in such a way that's useful and inspiring? 

That’s where The Looking Forward Project comes in. 

It’s a new interview series with category leaders, thought leaders C-level executives of all verticals, all disciplines.

I ask three questions: What is this moment teaching you now? What can change? What are you discovering about yourself and the world?

What I'm hoping to offer is inspiration, ideas, to see a completely new way of working and a new world by offering resources and community. 

Right now I am looking for people who have a point of view on what's going on and what’s next. What could be different, what could be better? 

So if you're interested in being interviewed, contact me. 

We cannot look back. We can't unsee what we've just seen. We can only look forward.