Stoic Quotes You Probably Haven't Heard Yet

In the realm of philosophy, Stoicism stands out for its timeless wisdom and practical approach to life. While many are familiar with the teachings of well-known Stoics like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, there are other, lesser-known philosophers whose insights are equally profound. Here, we delve into the words of these often-overlooked Stoic thinkers, offering you a fresh perspective on ancient wisdom.

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Debunking The Girlboss Trope: What Female Leaders Really Face and Female Philosophers Can Provide Inspiration

A closer look at the concept in comparison to the realities women face today will show that the girlboss trope is at best a fantasy, and at worst a reinforcement of imbalanced power structures. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the girlboss trope and discuss what the philosopher Diotima of Mantinea might say about it.

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What Asking Questions Does For The Brain And Well-Being

Did you know the question mark was created in the 8th Century? that guy right there. Along with the first use of the heavy plow, iron horseshoes, and the invention of the harp. While the Vikings were invading Europe, this curious little mark, made its mark in our discourse. It cemented in writing a practice we’ve been doing for long before that. The asking of a question.

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2020 Doesn't Have To Be An Ugly Sweater

It may be tempting to burn the 2020 calendar and never look back, but before you flick that lighter, let me propose something more productive than fire. Look back and take it in. Take it all in, the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you take the time to look backward and unsnarl the tangled knitting that became the “2020 Ugly Sweater”, you may realize that the pile of yarn can be reused for a thing of beauty.

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The Post Lockdown Impact

Are you asking yourself:

  • How do I keep my business going in light of what’s going on in the world?

  • What’s the right path to help employees and management deal with growing background noise about their health, financial and political concerns at home?

  • Do I have a short and long term strategic plan through the pandemic in place?

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How Aristotle Can Help You Lead Your Business Through Tough Times

Business leaders face plenty of questions as they try to get a handle on the new economic reality brought about by the COVID-19 shutdown and the resulting recession. But the answers to those questions may not appear in their corporate handbooks. Instead, they could lie in ancient philosophies with lessons that apply just as much today as they did centuries ago.

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Why Today’s Leaders Are Channeling Ancient Philosophers

Want to know which leaders lean philosophically? Read this IntelligentHQ feature on me to see the who’s who of wisdom! Across the land – and the world – leaders in business, government and other areas look to the future by seeking wisdom from ancient philosophers.

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Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

Educate. Plato said one of the most important roles a leader should embody is that of an educator. To learn more about what ancient philosophers believed are traits of a great leader, especially in times of crisis, read this interview of me by Charlie Katz. I break it all down!

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