Posts in Practice
Stoic Quotes You Probably Haven't Heard Yet

In the realm of philosophy, Stoicism stands out for its timeless wisdom and practical approach to life. While many are familiar with the teachings of well-known Stoics like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, there are other, lesser-known philosophers whose insights are equally profound. Here, we delve into the words of these often-overlooked Stoic thinkers, offering you a fresh perspective on ancient wisdom.

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What Asking Questions Does For The Brain And Well-Being

Did you know the question mark was created in the 8th Century? that guy right there. Along with the first use of the heavy plow, iron horseshoes, and the invention of the harp. While the Vikings were invading Europe, this curious little mark, made its mark in our discourse. It cemented in writing a practice we’ve been doing for long before that. The asking of a question.

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2020 Doesn't Have To Be An Ugly Sweater

It may be tempting to burn the 2020 calendar and never look back, but before you flick that lighter, let me propose something more productive than fire. Look back and take it in. Take it all in, the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you take the time to look backward and unsnarl the tangled knitting that became the “2020 Ugly Sweater”, you may realize that the pile of yarn can be reused for a thing of beauty.

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