Posts in Philosophy At Work
The Post Lockdown Impact

Are you asking yourself:

  • How do I keep my business going in light of what’s going on in the world?

  • What’s the right path to help employees and management deal with growing background noise about their health, financial and political concerns at home?

  • Do I have a short and long term strategic plan through the pandemic in place?

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How Aristotle Can Help You Lead Your Business Through Tough Times

Business leaders face plenty of questions as they try to get a handle on the new economic reality brought about by the COVID-19 shutdown and the resulting recession. But the answers to those questions may not appear in their corporate handbooks. Instead, they could lie in ancient philosophies with lessons that apply just as much today as they did centuries ago.

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Putting Philosophy to Work

Prosperity needn’t come at the cost of our collective sanity. The best business leaders understand the need to inspire and motivate their workforces, but traditional business theory is inadequate for doing so. The solution can come from an unlikely source: philosophy.

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New Book Encourages Thinking, Acting, Living Wisely

As businesses bob and weave through the punches of the pandemic – shutting down, reopening, cutting hours, laying off workers, rehiring, repositioning, changing the way they reach and serve customers, and wondering about the survivability of their operation or industry – it is not surprising many people are feeling overwhelmed.

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