Prepare For The Ultimate Gaslighting - INTERVIEW


S1E7 Guest: Julio Vincent Gambuto

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We have to realize how much power we have. We have to begin to use that power, and turn that power.
— Julio Vincent Gambuto

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On April 10th, 2020 Julio Vincent Gambuto posted an essay on Medium that soared through the internet lighting hearts and minds ablaze. “You’re not crazy my friends” he said. With a truth-telling only reserved for the deepest and most profound ideas, "Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting" was a warning and a call to arms to save the American psyche during the height of the pandemic. With over 20 million views around the world, this essay spoke to many of the fears and feelings we all had and it also invigorated our collective need to activate our awareness of how we've been living our lives and in what ways our lives have been hijacked.

In this special extended interview, Julio and I talk about the backstory for the essay and its core ideas. We also discuss the follow up essay "The Gaslighting of American Has Begun", and what we need to pay closer attention to in order to truly live.

Read the essays:

Prepare For The Ultimate Gaslighting

The Gaslighting of America Has Begun

Learn more about Julio Vincent Gambuto.