Leadership and Authority


S1E19 Guest: Dr. Gary McGrath

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Bad bosses are not bad because they want to be bad. They’re often promoted into positions, not given the training and development that they need, they’re basically thrown to the wolves...
— Dr. Gary McGrath

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Emperors, swords, thrones, murder, band-aids, leeches, and leadership? This week Dr. Gary and I get all medieval on everyone when we share war stories about our experiences with leadership. Plenty of stories and lessons along the way. Enjoy!

Dr. Gary was an Eagle Scout, graduated with a degree in Mechanical & Metallurgical Engineering and then was commissioned in the United States Army reaching the rank of Captain. He completed his formal education with a Doctorate in Business Administration in 2009.

After 30 years in business world Gary started his first entrepreneurial venture in 1990 training The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and Situational Leadership.

Dr. Gary authored:

  • Mastering Sales Leadership – Learning to Herd Cats!

  • A CEOs Journey  The 7 Steps of Intentional Leadership

Dr. Gary volunteers his business expertise to Habitat for Humanity Broward County Florida.

Dr. Gary has been ranked as high as #18 nationally in tennis in his age group and was ranked #2 nationally in 2015 with his son Michael in the Father/Son Division.

After living in 9 other states and 2 foreign countries Dr. Gary has settled in Raleigh, NC.