Posts in Leadership
Change and Growth

Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher talked about "you don't step into the same river twice." Bryan Fleming, SVP of Technology for T-Mobile and I philosophize about change, which is a topic that is hitting everyone right now. He shares his principles about change and how he leads his teams with change in mind, making it "a given" and a driver for success.

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Remote Work - Opportunities Beyond Work

It’s time to think bigger about remote work. Beyond logistics. As GitLab’s Head of Remote, Darren works at the intersection of culture, process, hiring, employer branding, marketing, and communication. He’s spent his career leading remote teams and charting remote transformations. He holds a Guinness World Record in publishing, and authored GitLab’s Remote Playbook and “Living the Remote Dream: A Guide To Seeing the World, Setting Records, and Advancing Your Career.”

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How to Instill Principle Driven Process and People

David Veech is a very wise man. He understands that you can't drive progress unless there's principles in the process! He's been teaching leaders to be more effective since 1989. For 20 years, he learned from the very best as an officer in the US Army. He's been on the faculty teaching leadership and lean systems at Stetson University, the Defense Acquisition University, the University of Kentucky, and the Ohio State University. He's also taught in the Executive Education program at Penn State University.

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Productivity and Happiness

Productivity and Happiness. Brandon Durbin is the Founder & CEO of Akava; a Silicon Valley software engineering consultancy that helps start-ups and enterprises such as Disney, Oracle, Lbrands, Cisco and Uber build innovative cloud, devops, web and mobile solutions. In his role, he oversees growth, culture, sales, ops, and experiences while ensuring company-wide success. 

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