How to Instill Principle Driven Process and People


S1E11 Guest: David Veech

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We all talk about organizational culture, as if it’s some mysterious gassy phenomenon but it’s something we can actually shape.
— David Veech

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David Veech is a very wise man. He understands that you can't drive progress unless there are principles in the process!

He's been teaching leaders to be more effective since 1989. For 20 years, he learned from the very best as an officer in the US Army. He's been on the faculty teaching leadership and lean systems at Stetson University, the Defense Acquisition University, the University of Kentucky, and the Ohio State University. He's also taught in the Executive Education program at Penn State University.

Most important, though, is the work and the learning he's enjoyed with clients in their offices, factories, construction sites, and hospitals; Clients like the US Postal Service, Owens Corning, Rolls-Royce, the Arizona Department of Economic Security, and Nationwide Insurance. He's the founder of Leadersights, a leadership development consulting firm.