How to Find Harmony in Chaos
S1E13 Guest: Bob Miglani
“We have to stop trying to control everything, because that’s where stress comes from. Instead focus on controlling yourself - the words you use, the thoughts you think, the actions you take.”
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Chaos gets a bad rap. Bob Miglani is here to myth-bust ideas we have about dealing with chaos. In this episode of Wise Up! Bob and I get into how to use chaos to your advantage, because it’s there to usher in your own evolution. Chaos is your friend.
About Bob:
Bestselling Author, Speaker and Management Advisor. Author of the Washington Post Bestseller, Embrace the Chaos, which is about my journey of learning to embrace change and move forward in my job, career, business and in life.
I grew up helping my family run our Dairy Queen family business for 20 + years which was the subject of my first book, Treat Your Customers.
Worked in corporate America for Pfizer Inc. for 23 years in numerous successful roles and did business in over 30 countries. After leaving Pfizer, I joined a startup as Chief of Business Development, helping to bring a Big Idea to Market.
Today I advise companies and CEOs, speak to audiences everywhere and advance the idea that in order to GROW in times of change, we must think and act differently. We must embrace change. #EmbraceChange #Transformation #BigldeasToMarket